Conveniently from home or locally in your area
You can buy our tempeh at many organic markets, certainly also in your area!
Our partners include, for example
In our warehouse you can try all the delicious
Tempeh varieties and super Offers get hold of.
Opening hours:
Monday, 09:00 - 15:00
Tue - Fri, 09:00 - 13:00
You can find our tempeh online at many mail order companies, or take a look around our own store.
Schnappinger GmbH
Immenthal industrial estate 4
87634 Günzach
Telephone: +49 8372 30195-0
Imprint Data protection AGB
Schnappinger GmbH
Immenthal industrial estate 4
87634 Günzach
Telephone: +49 8372 30195-0