Tempeh Teriyaki Style

approx. 30 min.

Tempeh Teriyaki Style

Number of portions
  • 0.5 Pack of tempeh nature
  • 1.5 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 1.5 EL Water
  • 0.5 Tbsp agave or apple syrup
  • Some ginger
  • 0.5 Garlic clove
  • Some pepper
  • 0.5 Broccoli
  • 100 g Rice
  • Sesame


"Teriyaki" is a preparation method from Japanese cuisine and tempeh also tastes absolutely delicious in "teriyaki style"!


Cook the rice according to the packet instructions.

Divide the broccoli into florets and cook in salted water until al dente.

Dice the tempeh and fry in a pan with oil until golden brown.

For the teriyaki sauce, finely chop the garlic clove and mix well with the remaining ingredients. Reduce the heat of the pan, pour the sauce over the tempeh and allow to reduce while stirring - done!

If the sauce sticks to the pan, simply add a little more water.
